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 Edward Addison (Kurt Bond's character)

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Join date : 2010-03-08

Edward Addison (Kurt Bond's character) Empty
PostSubject: Edward Addison (Kurt Bond's character)   Edward Addison (Kurt Bond's character) EmptyMon Mar 15, 2010 7:30 pm

Character Name: Edward Addison
Player Name: T. Kurt Bond (alias TK, Bond)

Class: Buccaneer
Level: 2
Experience Points: TBD

Gender: Male
Nationality: English

Background: Indentured Servant

You were shipped out to the Caribbean for incurring debts or being convicted of a crime, and forced into hard labor on a plantation or work crew.

Free Skill Ranks: Listen 2, Bluff 2.

Bonuses and Penalties: You receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma-based skills and checks when dealing with lower class workers. You suffer from a –2
circumstance penalty to these same checks when dealing with the upper classes.

Contacts: Two free contacts with indentured servants of your choice, or one free contact with an influential servant of the GM’s choice, such as the governor’s butler.

* Stange Luck: on a natural 1 or a natural 20, something bizarre happens
* Deadeye (good): +1 luck bonus on attack rolls with projectile weapons
* Obligation (Ill): Somebody who helped me escape


Attributes and Modifiers
Strength: 15 / +2
Dexterity: 15 / +2
Constitution: 12 / +1
Intelligence: 15 / +2
Wisdom: 13 / +1
Charisma: 9 / -1

Con Damage:12
Hit Points: 13 = 9+4

BAB: +2 (class)
Melee: +4 = +2 (BAB) +2 (Str)
Ranged: +5 = +2 (BAB) +2 (Dex) +1 (luck) (& +1 w/in 30 feet, Point Blank Shot)

Armor Class: 12 = 10 + 2 (dex)
Initiative: +2 = +2 (dex) + 0 (misc)

Saving Throws
Fortitude: +4 = +3 (class) +1 (Con)
Reflex: +2 = +0 (class) +2 (Dex)
Willpower: +2 = +0 (class) +1 (Wis)

Starting Skill Points: ((6 + 2) * 4) + 4 = 36 skill points + (2nd level) 8
Skill Points Per Level: 6 + 2 + 1 = 9 skil points/level

Skill_Name Skill Ranks Abil Misc Free
Appraise (Int) +3 = 1 +2
Balance (Dex) +3 = 1 +2
Climb (Str) +4 = 2 +2
Concentration (Con)
Craft X (Int)
Heal (Wis) +4 = 1 +1 +2
Hide (Dex) +4 = 2 +2
Intimidate (Cha) +0 = 1 -1
Jump (Str) +4 = 2 +2
Knowledge (geography) (Int) +3 = 1 +2
Knowledge (local) (Int) +3 = 1 +2
Knowledge (nature) (Int) +3 = 1 +2
Knowledge (navigation) (Int) +5 = 1 +2 +2
Knowledge (sea lore) (Int) +3 = 1 +2
Listen (Wis) +4 = 1 +1 +2
Move Silently (Dex) +7 = 5 +2
Profession (gunner) (Wis) +4 = 3 +1
Profession (sailor) (Wis) +4 = 3 +1
Ride (Dex) +2 = 0 +2
Search (Int) +4 = 2 +2
Speak Language (None) 4 (Read English, French, Spanish,
Spot (Wis) +4 = 3 +1
Survival (Wis) +8 = 5 +1 +2
Swim (Str) +4 = 2 +2
Use Rope (Dex) +3 = 1 +2

1st Level Character feat: Self-sufficient (+2 Survival, +2 Heal)
Human 1st Level Bonus feat: precise shot
Buccaneer 1st Level Bonus feat: point blank

Abilities and Effects
Survivor (Ex): +1 insight bonus on all Listen, Spot, Swim, and Survival checks on an island or in the sea within sight of shore.

EXPERT PILOT (EX): At 2nd level, buccaneers gain a +2 competence bonus on all Knowledge (navigation) checks.


Pistol, 10 shots
Cutlass, 1d6 15-18/x2
Sailor's outfit
Fishing tackle
Buccaneer's knife, 1d6 16-18/x2
Buff Coat (+2 AC, Max Dex +7, ACP 0, 5 lb, 2dbl, 2 poe)
Buckler (+1 AC, ACP -1, 1 lb, 1poe, 6 rl)

Character Description

Edward Addison was the son of William Addison, a ship's chandler in
Portsmith, England. Soon after he joined his father and his partner,
Joseph Tailor, in the business, Tailor absconded with the firm's cash,
leaving behind mountains of debt and evidence of massive fraud.
William Addison died of a heart attack in debtors prison, and Edward
was shipped out to the Carribean as an Indentured Servant. He escaped
that life as soon as possible, fell in with a bad crowd, and ended up
among the Buccanneers. A disagreement with his last captain (who
started the voyage as just one of the hands) left him at lose ends on


Josephus Willowsdale (Expert 6) - Josephus is a tutor to the children of wealthy merchants and plantation owners. As such he travels quite a bit amongst the English colonies of the Caribbean. He met Edward on the voyage over from England and saw a fellow connoiseur of languages, helping Edward with the Patois tongue.

Edina MacPhearson (Commoner 2) - 'Nanny Mac' was once Edward's wetnurse and substitute mother. Edina now works for a somewhat prosperous merchant in Port Royal who has a reputation for dirty dealings, which is saying something for a Port Royal merchant.


Appointed Gunner
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Edward Addison (Kurt Bond's character)
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