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 Sambo (Pete's Character)

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Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-02-26

Sambo (Pete's Character) Empty
PostSubject: Sambo (Pete's Character)   Sambo (Pete's Character) EmptySat Feb 27, 2010 9:13 am

Name: Sambo
Class: Sea Dog
Level: 1
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 205 lbs
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 20
Hair: black
Skin: black

Mov: 30' Initiative: +2 HP: 11
AC: 13 AC Flat: 10 WP: 13
BAB: +1 Enc: 5 lbs

Bse Abl Tot
STR: 15 +2 INT: 15 +2 Fort: 2 + 1 = +3
CON: 13 +1 WIS: 13 +1 Ref: 2 + 2 = +4
DEX: 15 +2 CHA: 11 Will: 0 + 1 = +1

Skills: Rnk Abl Tot Feats:

1) Balance 4 + 2 = +6 1) Dodge (class)
2) Bluff 2 + 0 = +2 2) Close Quarters (class)
3) Climb 4 + 2 = +6 3) Weapon Focus (cutlass)
4) Escape Artist 2 + 2 = +4 4) Point Blank Shot
5) Jump 4 + 2 = +6
6) Knwldg (sea lore) 2 + 2 = +4
7) Profssn (gunner) 2 + 1 = +3
Cool Spot 4 + 1 = +5
9) Swim 2 + 2 = +4
10) Use Rope 2 + 2 = +4

Weapons Atk Dmg Crit Rng Wght Typ Size

Dirk +3 1d4+2 19-20/x2 10ft 1lb P T


Tunic & breeches (rough spun motley)
Rope belt
Flint & steel
Water gourd
Goat (female)
6 Shillings


Sambo originally hails from the jungles of central Africa where he was the son of a hunter. At age 14, he was captured during a raid by an enemy tribe and transported to the West Coast of Africa where he was sold to Dutch slavers. During the in-human passage to the New World, his transport ship was sunk by a terrible storm. Sambo luckily survived when the ship broke up and his chains became wrapped upon a buoyant barrel. He was able to stay afloat until an English privateer captained by John "Calico Jack" Rackham rescued him.

Calico Jack was an equal opportunity employer and Sambo quickly learned the tricks of the Sea Dogs surrounding him. He was promoted to gunner's mate by age 17 and likely would have run his own gun in a few years. Misfortune called when he was stricken with Yellow Fever six months ago and was marooned on Tortuga.

Sambo is finally healthy again and ready for his next bearth...


You were forcibly taken from your homeland, treated like an animal, tortured, and finally worked to exhaustion in the New
World. You escaped at the earliest opportunity, and now seek a life as an outlaw or pirate to wreak revenge on your former

Free Skill Ranks: Escape Artist 2, Bluff 2.

Bonuses and Penalties: You receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Charisma-based skills and checks when dealing with other
slaves or former slaves. You suffer from a –2 circumstance penalty to these same checks when dealing with slaveowners and
the upper classes.


Le Hache (The 'Axe') Fighter 3/Rogue 2/Bucaneer 1: Le Hache is the leader of a small band of 'Maroons' operating out of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Le Hache is an escaped slave that briefly served on the Treasure with Sambo. After losing an eye in a boarding action, Le Hache took his compensation according to The Articles and disappeared into the jungles of Jamaica.

Chicken Jim - Commoner 2: Chicken Jim is a slave on a large sugarcane plantation on the Island of Hispaniola. Chicken Jim (originally named Um-bu-too) is from the same tribe in the Congo as Sambo.



Your awe of magic and deep belief in the power of the supernatural makes you especially susceptible to spells and spell-like effects.

Benefits and Drawbacks: All beneficial spells that target you take effect as if they were empowered (cure spells restore half
again as many hit points as usual, for example). Note that this effect only applies to you, not to any others targeted by the
same spell. You also suffer a –2 luck penalty on all Will saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
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Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-02-26

Sambo (Pete's Character) Empty
PostSubject: Level 2   Sambo (Pete's Character) EmptyMon Apr 05, 2010 8:08 pm

Name: Sambo Class: Sea Dog Level: 2
Height: 6' 1" Weight: 205 lbs Alignment: Neutral
Age: 20 Hair: black Skin: black

Mov: 30' Initiative: +2 HP: 17 - 13 - 10
AC: 16 AC Flat: 13 WP: 12
BAB: +2 Enc: 24 lbs
Bse Abl Tot
STR: 15 +2 INT: 15 +2 Fort: 3 + 1 = +4
CON: 12 +1 WIS: 13 +1 Ref: 3 + 2 = +5
DEX: 15 +2 CHA: 11 Will: 0 + 1 = +1

Skills: Rnk Abl Tot Feats:

1) Balance 4 + 2 = +6 1) Dodge (class)
2) Bluff 3 + 0 = +3 2) Close Quarters (class)
3) Climb 4 + 2 = +6 3) Weapon Focus (cutlass)
4) Escape Artist 3 + 2 = +5 4) Point Blank Shot
5) Jump 4 + 2 = +6
6) Knwldg (sea lore) 3 + 2 = +5
7) Profssn (sailor) 3 + 1 = +4
Cool Spot 5 + 1 = +6
9) Swim 2 + 2 = +4
10) Use Rope 2 + 2 = +4

Languages: English (speak)

Weapons Atk Dmg Crit Rng Wght Typ Size

Dirk +4 1d4+2 16-18/x2 10ft 1lb P T
Cutlass +5 1d6+2 16-18/x2 - 2lb S M
Brace +5 2d4 17-18/x3 10ft 5lb P S
of Masterwork Pistols (2)


Buff Coat
Tunic & breeches (rough spun motley)
Rope belt
Flint & steel
Water gourd
Goat (female named Nelly)
Ammo Pouch (18)
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Sambo (Pete's Character)
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