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 Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed)

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Join date : 2008-06-04

Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed) Empty
PostSubject: Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed)   Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed) EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 2:52 pm

After flushing out the Kurita forces hiding in the ‘Mech Factory, your unit is scheduled for a little down time. The techs get busy repairing your combat damage while you retire to the saloon for a few cold ones. Just before Heath “One-Ball” Barkley is drunk enough to show everyone how he got his nickname, the commander of Bravo Company, First Lance, Lt. Brian “Little Mac” McKenna, enters the saloon with one of his lance-mates, Yusef Al-Akbar. Mac leans conspiratorially close to your group, “Listen up lads, Yusef here has seen something you should be hearin’ about, Yusef?”

“Aye Sahib. In serving for the glory of the great Chieftain ‘Wilson’ I have faithfully executed my duties in discerning the fact that there appears to be…”

Mac interrupts, “Jaysus Yusef, get to the point…nevermind, listen up lads. Yusef recognized one of them Snakes out there in the field. ‘Pears the damn fools sent one of the Draconis Royal House to this cluster-fuck of an operation. Yusef says he is sure that Hubert Kurita is still on planet, and hiding out in a box canyon, not five clicks from this here camp. If we can capture him there’d be a huge ransom to be had.”

“Who is Hubert Kurita you ask, well just the favorite nephew of Takashi Kurita himself. Well, maybe not the favorite, but still, they’d have to pay a hefty sum or lose honor, and you know how them Snakes are with their honor. Look, your ‘Mechs are almost done with their repairs, plus your one of the fastest lances we got, if you can get out there and capture Hubert before anyone is the wiser we’ll all be rich as Lords! Whadda say?”

Note: If you accept this mission, you will have 16 rounds to find and capture Hubert Kurtia. He is piloting a Victor Battlemech. He is known to travel with one Elite Mechwarrior bodyguard. There is also a good probability that some other Cadets and Officers have rallied to the Royal standard. If you succeed in capturing Hubert, you will each be able to choose one of the following, to reflect your windfall in C-Bills:

1. Conversion Kit Perk
2. An automatic success on your next roll in the following; Salvage Request, Bargaining Skill, Equipment Obtainment Roll, or a +4 on the Dispossessed Table.

Last edited by Eric on Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed)   Huuuubeerrrt, come out an plaaaaaaaaayyyyy! (Completed) EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 2:56 pm

GM AAR: This operation was carried out quickly and efficiently. Much quicker than I did it while playtesting the scenario. Ignoring the bait 'Mechs and heading straight for the prize was a risky tactic, but one that ultimately paid off with a bit of brilliant negotiating at the end, to convince Hubert Kurita to surrender.

The following 'Mechs that your lance destroyed have been repaired and are now available for requests:

SHD-2K Shadowhawk
HBK-4G Hunchback

No bonuses this time as both these 'Mechs were captured by surrender.

Also, each of you needs to pick your reward for capturing and ransoming Hubert Kurita. You can post your pick in your character thread. If you pick the 'conversion kit' and want to use it now, send me a PM or email.
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