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 Unit Wealth Rules

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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

Unit Wealth Rules Empty
PostSubject: Unit Wealth Rules   Unit Wealth Rules EmptyTue Aug 19, 2008 11:26 am

Ok, here are the Unit Wealth Rules. Bear in mind this is an abstract system designed to facilitate our unique system of online play. Sometimes the results might not make perfect sense in the game world, but I think the ability of the players to manage their unit via the forums, instead of having to hop on TS multiple nights of the week, is worth the trade off.

The Unit will have 3 free Wealth rolls per month of game time. These can be used to procure any of the items/services on the Wealth Table. To attempt a procurement, the Unit leader (or designated subordinate) will post in the Unit Procurement thread which item/service he wants to try for, using the template posted there. Then roll 2d6 per the forum dice-roll software.

If the roll fails, the Unit uses up one of the 3 free monthly rolls. If the roll succeeds the Unit may add that item/service to the TO&E. In the case of an item/service that has a Wealth Point Cost, if the roll succeeds that amount of Wealth will be deducted from the Unit total. If the roll fails, no Wealth Points are lost.

For Infantry units, the commander can pick the type (i.e. Rifle, MG, SRM, etc.) as long as it is only Level 1 Tech.

For Vehicle/Mech units, put a placeholder in the TO&E such as 'Light Mech - Elite'. The GM will roll randomly to determine what Mech it is and the name of the pilot. To avoid lengthy back and forth, you have to take what is rolled. I will be as fair as possible and throw out very poor random rolls.

The Unit can gain additional attempts per month by spending 1 Wealth point, to a maximum of 6 attempts per month.

The Unit can spend 1 Wealth Point to gain a +2 to the Wealth roll to procure items or services.

As always, GM fiat is applicable. For instance if you are attempting to hire warriors on a desolate planet you will have little to no chance to succeed. On the other hand you may gain a bonus to your roll if you are hiring on a planet with an abundance of a certain resource, such as dispossessed Mechwarriors on Solaris.

On another note, if you wish to grow the Unit to a large force, some player(s) will be needed to occasionally run parallel battles to the main, player-character missions.

Unit Wealth Rules UnitWealthTable


A Mercenary unit has a WP cost per month to take care of maintenance, salaries, docking fees, office space, etc. The cost scales per the unit size as follows:

1 Company or less: 1 WP
2 Companies: 2 WP
1 Battalion: 3 WP
2 Battalions: 6 WP
1 Regiment: 9 WP
Permanent HQ: + .5 WP

A Lance is 4 Mechs or 4 Vehicles (2 in the case of Air or Aerospace assets) or an Infantry Company (4 Platoons=16 squads)
A Company is 3 Lances
A Battalion is 3 Companies plus an HQ Lance
A Regiment is 3 Companies plus an HQ Company

A permanent HQ includes office space, office personel, military consultant and storage space that allows a unit to conduct monthly procurements while not physically on world. Local procurement can still be done at the location of the Merc unit as well, but does not give additional procurement rolls.
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