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 Juanita "Seniorita" Compton (NPC)

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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

Juanita "Seniorita" Compton (NPC) Empty
PostSubject: Juanita "Seniorita" Compton (NPC)   Juanita "Seniorita" Compton (NPC) EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 7:55 pm

Juanita "Seniorita" Compton

Mech: None
Mech Piloting: 5
Mech Gunnery: 4

Juanita grew up on Solaris VII, taking a job as a junior Tech in a House stable at the age of 14. She showed enough aptitude to eventually work her way up to competing in the arenas. She had some success in The Reaches but eventually her luck ran out, leaving her dispossessed and with no offers of employment. So, she figured why not sign on with a Merc company.
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Juanita "Seniorita" Compton (NPC)
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