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 Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)

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Join date : 2008-06-11

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty
PostSubject: Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)   Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) EmptyWed Jun 11, 2008 8:31 pm

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley

Unit: Scooby's Scrappers - Command Lance
Rank: Mechwarrior
Current Mech: Griffin - GRF-1N
Piloting: 5
Gunnery: 4
Advantages: Maneuvering Ace, Edge
Out-of-Mech Skills: Bargaining +2, Tech +2, Small Arms +2
Experience Points: 1
Solaris Reputation: 0
House Origin: Federated Suns

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley

Heath was the unacknowledged bastard child of a heavy metals conglomerate CEO who was
raised by his prostitue mother in the mining camps on various hard-scrabble worlds.
Heath grew up tough and he grew up fast, especially after he lost his left testicle at
age 12 when playing with explosives. With a knack for running and fixing machinery and
technical parts, Heath made himself useful around the mining operations, eventually
operating heavy machinery before graduating to defensive mechs. Heath is quiet and
reserved, but tends to explode into violent activity at the slightest provocation.
Surprisingly, this does not apply to his unsymetrical scrotum, which he enjoys showing
to non-believers...

Medium Mech


1) Maneuvering Ace
2) Edge

Out of Mech Bonus

1) Small Arms
2) Tech
3) Bargaining

House Origin: Federated Suns

Last edited by pfritsch on Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:40 am; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2008-06-04

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)   Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) EmptyWed Jun 11, 2008 8:39 pm

You get a total of 3 advantages if you pick a medium mech. It looks like you picked 3.666666

The out of mech bonuses cost 1 advantage point and you get a bounus to 3 skills for that 1 advantage point. So either drop the out of mech or drop one of the other advantages and pick 1 more out of mech skill.

Also, I changed house origin to Federated Suns. Fits better with your character and better mech table for your experience level.

EDIT: Well, you've already wasted one roll of boxcars. Your mech is a Griffin. Good medium mech with solid armor, good maneuverability and long range punch. I'll create your .mul file once you decide which advantage you want to drop. If I was you I'd drop tactical genius and pick up another skill bonus. Bargaining is a good one.
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Join date : 2008-06-11

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)   Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) EmptyMon Jul 07, 2008 12:00 pm

Eric, I'll take the 'Conversion Kit Perk' for capturing Hubert, but I don't plan to use it until something Ninja-awesome comes up...
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Join date : 2008-06-04

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)   Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) EmptyWed Jul 09, 2008 8:06 pm

One of the things about Battletech is that, for the most part, the 'Mechs are balanced, and each have their respective place and roles on the battlefield. If you are holding out for 'ninja awesome' in this game you will probably be dissapointed.

If you are tired of the long range profile, I would switch to one of the Griffin variants that have good close fire support.

You aren't going to get both with a Medium mech, you will have to try and upgrade to a Heavy when one becomes available, of course, then you are sacrificing speed so better hope you never have to get out of Dodge in a hurry.
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Join date : 2008-06-06

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty
PostSubject: Updated Stats   Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) EmptyWed Jan 14, 2009 10:38 pm

Heath "One-Ball" Barkley

Unit: Scooby's Scrappers - Command Lance
Rank: Mechwarrior
Current Mech: Griffin - GRF-1N
Piloting: 5
Gunnery: 2
Advantages: Maneuvering Ace, Edge
Out-of-Mech Skills: Bargaining +2, Tech +2, Small Arms +2
Experience Points: 1/8
Wealth: .25
Solaris Reputation: 0
House Origin: Federated Suns
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Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)   Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete) Empty

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Heath "One-Ball" Barkley (Pete)
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