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 Available Contracts - January, 3025

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Join date : 2008-06-04

Available Contracts - January, 3025 Empty
PostSubject: Available Contracts - January, 3025   Available Contracts - January, 3025 EmptySat Mar 28, 2009 9:09 pm

In Service to House Liao

Date: January, 3025
Employer: The Capellan Confederation
Contract Type: House Service
Contract Location: Capellan Confederation
Command Rights: Liaison
Overhead: 50%
Salvage: 25%*
Contract Length: 3 Years
Base Pay: 2 WP / month*

The Capellan Confederation is offering a long-term contract to Scooby’s Scrappers to serve House Liao. During this contract the Scrappers will be inducted into the standard TO&E of the Capellan Confederation. Tactical Command will be Liaison, so all officers remain in place and the unit will continue to function as a cohesive group. The listed contract values are for standard Garrison/Cadre duties. The following changes will be applied if the Scrappers are required to undertake different mission objectives. Planetary Defense (50% Salvage, 3 WP/month), Planetary Assault (5 WP/month), Objective Raid (100% Salvage, 3 WP/month), Riot Duty (3 WP/month). In addition to these benefits, the Scrappers will be able to purchase Vindicator Battlemechs at +1 Availability and ˝ WP cost.

In Service to House Davion

Date: January, 3025
Employer: The Federated Suns
Contract Type: House Service
Contract Location: Federated Suns
Command Rights: Liaison
Overhead: 50%
Salvage: 25%*
Contract Length: 3 Years
Base Pay: 2 WP / month*

The Federated SUns is offering a long-term contract to Scooby’s Scrappers to serve House Davion. During this contract the Scrappers will be inducted into the standard TO&E of the AFFS. Tactical Command will be Liaison, so all officers remain in place and the unit will continue to function as a cohesive group. The listed contract values are for standard Garrison/Cadre duties. The following changes will be applied if the Scrappers are required to undertake different mission objectives. Planetary Defense (3 WP/month), Planetary Assault (75% Salvage, 4 WP/month), Objective Raid (3 WP/month), Pirate Hunting (75% Salvage). In addition to these benefits the Scrappers will be rewarded with 1 Patton Heavy Tank per each 6 months of faithful service.
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Available Contracts - January, 3025 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - January, 3025   Available Contracts - January, 3025 EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 4:42 pm

Just want to be sure: our current overhead is 2, so effectivly on garrison ops we are making 1WP per month profit. I am also wondering what happens if we grow, do we get to renegotiate if we make it to battalion strength?

I am very much leaning towards the Liao contract.
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Available Contracts - January, 3025 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - January, 3025   Available Contracts - January, 3025 EmptyMon Mar 30, 2009 7:57 pm

You are correct in your math. Garrison duty isn't lucrative but offers regular growth with little risk. To grow to Battalion size you will have to add 5 lances, so we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Most likely you will just receive the extra overhead as a bonus per month.

You could always reject both contracts and keep looking for smaller scale work. I will be enforcing the travel time that would realistically have to take place to move this size unit around the Inner Sphere though, so that means more time paying your overhead out of the Unit coffers.
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Available Contracts - January, 3025 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - January, 3025   Available Contracts - January, 3025 EmptyTue Mar 31, 2009 10:31 pm

We sign on with the Confederation.
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