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 Available Contracts - September, 3024

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Available Contracts - September, 3024 Empty
PostSubject: Available Contracts - September, 3024   Available Contracts - September, 3024 EmptyWed Jan 14, 2009 6:07 pm

They're Everywhere I tells ya!

Date: September, 3024
Employer: Governor Stanton de Beer
Contract Type: Counterinsurgency
Contract Location: Nova Roma, Free Worlds League
Command Rights: Liason
Overhead: 100%
Salvage: 50% of Standard Tech / 0% of Lostech
Repair: 100%
Contract Length: 6 months
Base Pay: 4

The Military Governor of Nova Roma is hiring Mercenary Units to garrison the planet and help him seek out and destroy pockets of rebels. The planet was the center of the civil war between Anton and Janos Marik in 3014. Most of the economic might of the world was destroyed in the climactic battles that ended the usurpers claim to the Free Worlds League. De Beer rules the planet with an iron fist, less concerned with rebuilding the infrastructure than hunting down any potential threat to his office, but...he pays in C-Bills.

Two Heads are Better than One

Date: September, 3024
Employer: None
Contract Type: Objective Raid(s)
Contract Location: Broken Wheel, Federated Suns and Tortuga Prime, Tortuga Dominions
Command Rights: Full
Overhead: 0%
Salvage: 100%
Contract Length: None
Base Pay: None

St. John Teach, one of the new additions to the Scrappers has a proposition for Colonel Winnfield; "Sir, I just received word that me younger brother, William, has been captured by the AFFS and charged with piracy. Well, truth be told, he is a pirate, as I was not so long ago meself. They are holding him on a pissant little planet called Broken Wheel, clear on the outskirts of the Crucis March. So what's that got to do with the Scrappers you ask? Well, let me spin you a yarn."

"My father, Edward, was a Pirate Captain on Tortuga Prime for many a year. He was successful in-so-far as he wasn't killed or captured and stole enough to keep a small group of warriors from slitting his throat. He fell afoul of an up and coming Pirate name of Paula Trevaline, "Lady Death" as she is called today. He had to leave Tortuga and whelped William and meself on the outlying world of Morgan's Holdfast. William and me, we never got on too well. Don't rightly remember why, probably because we came from two different whores of Da's. Anyway, we went our seperate ways as soon as we were old enough. Da was a tough son of a bitch, but the Crimson Fever took him before his dotage anyway. Before he made his final Jump, so to speak, he summoned William and me to his deathbed. 'Boys, he said, I know I aint' been much of a father to ya, but well, tough shit, that's life. I have but one legacy to pass on to you but I won't let it split you two further apart. You're both greedy, deceitful sons of bitches,just like me. If you want to profit by my gift, you'll have to set aside your differences and work together. If'n you can't do that then neither of ya gets a damn thing'."

"So, to make a long story not quite as long, Da gave us each one half of a map. What's the map to you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Some time around the last half of the 27th Century, a dropship from somewhere or other, maybe bandits, maybe Star League, maybe who the fuck knows was shot down by the Pirates Aerospace fighters and crashed somewheres deep in the Jungle. Legend has it the survivors started a settlement in the Jungle around the dropship and lasted a few generations before dyin' off. Da says he found that dropship and it was full of riches. What riches exactly, he didn't say before he kicked it, but he claimed that using some of that wealth is what kept him from getting killed for so long, but he knew if word ever got out that he had found it he couldn't protect it from the larger groups of bandits. Well, then he kicked it. My brother and me never could reconcile long enough to search for it, always meant to but it just never happened. Anyway, now if he dies, no one will ever get those riches. So, will you help me free my brother? What's that you say? Where is my half of the map? Well, on me head of course, same as William"

Teach removes the colorful bandana that adorns his skull and there for all to see is a map tatooed on his bald scalp. He says his brother let his hair grow out so you'll have to shave his head of course.

The Most Dangerous Game

Date: September, 3024
Employer: Sun Zhang Military Academy
Contract Type: Cadre
Contract Location: New Samarkand, Draconis Combine
Command Rights: Liaison
Overhead: 100%
Salvage: 0%
Repair: 100%
Contract Length: 3 months
Base Pay: 3 plus 50% discount on military supplies (procurement rolls with a WP cost will be half price)

The Sun Zhang Military Academy is looking for Mercenary Units to pose as Opposing Forces to their graduating class of Mecharriors. The Mercenary Unit will be expected to play a variety of roles in combat simulations ranging from Defensive Operations to Guerilla Insurgency. Oh, also, the final month of maneuvers before graduation are live fire exercises.
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Available Contracts - September, 3024 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - September, 3024   Available Contracts - September, 3024 EmptyWed Jan 14, 2009 11:01 pm

afro "I am leaning towards the booty hunt... Ghent, what are your thoughts?"
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Available Contracts - September, 3024 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - September, 3024   Available Contracts - September, 3024 EmptyThu Jan 15, 2009 11:00 am

I am up for the treasure hunt too, since we have a fair bit of money saved up to cover our expenditures.
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Available Contracts - September, 3024 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - September, 3024   Available Contracts - September, 3024 EmptyThu Jan 15, 2009 2:35 pm

Awww, nobody wants to play living targets for Snake Mechwarriors??
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Available Contracts - September, 3024 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - September, 3024   Available Contracts - September, 3024 EmptyFri Jan 16, 2009 7:49 am

Unlike the defeated Wilson's Fusiliers the Scrappers CO does not like to mix business with pleasure... Don't be suprised if we never work for the Combine.
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Available Contracts - September, 3024 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Available Contracts - September, 3024   Available Contracts - September, 3024 EmptyFri Jan 16, 2009 8:11 am

Its official we will be taking the trip to Tortuga...
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