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 Operation Panty Raid (Failed)

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Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyMon Jun 30, 2008 1:29 pm

A few weeks after the action settles down, your lance is ralaxing in the Saloon when the call for all Mechwarriors is heard over the base intercom.

After reporting to the briefing hall and taking your seats, Colonel Wilson addressess the unit,

"At ease! Listen up, we're getting ready to move out. As soon as this briefing ends, each of you will report to your 'Mech and immedietly disable communications. Any breach in radio silence will be dealt with severely. You will be guided to your assigned dropships by ground personel using runway signals only. General Vernon Nitsche of the 8th Donegal Guards will now give us our mission briefing. General?"

A grey-haired man wearing the uniform of a General in the Lyran Commonwealth takes the podium and says,

"In response to the Kurita raid on Laurent, Wilson's Fusiliers, along with elements of the 8th Donegal Guards, have been ordered to conduct a deep insertion raid on the Battlemech producing planet of Alshain. Alshain is heavily defended by the Alshain Rangers, a Veteran household unit, loyal to Mikhael Friedrich, the Earl of Alshain."

The 8th Donegal Guards will engage the main force of the Alshain Rangers ouside of the city of Silverdale. Alpha Company of Wilson's Fusiliers will attempt to punch a hole through the lightest point in the enemy line, while Bravo Company will attempt to penetrate behind enemy lines into the city."

General Nietsche clears his throat and continues, "Once behind enemy lines, Bravo Company will disable all IFF signals and make thier way into the Alshain Mechworks compound, eliminating all remaining units guarding the Battlemech storage facility. You will gain access to the storage facility by rendezvousing with resistance elements, who have obtained the security codes necessary to open the facility, as well as start the newly produced Battlemechs inside. Each 'Mech of Bravo company will be carrying a Lyran Mechwarrior in the secondary tech seat in your cockpit. Once the storage facility is secured, these Mechwarriors will each secure a Battlemech and retreat to the extraction zone. It will be your job to clear the way for them in case of enemy counter attack. Any questions? No, good."

With that, General Nietsche stalks out of the briefing hall. You get the distinct feeling he doesn't much care for mercenaries!

Colonel Wilson shakes his head and stands up. "Alright, you heard the man. Dismissed!"

After saddling up and loading your 'Mechs you are forced to kick your heels in the uncomfortable confines of a Union Class Dropship for the better part of 3 weeks while the Jumpships make their way to Alshain. A few hours before touchdown, Captain Johan "Big John" Faulkner assembles Bravo Company for one last inspection before the shit hits the fan,

"Move fast, hit hard and don't get left behind, 'cause ain't nobody comin' back for ya."

Last edited by Eric on Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 4:49 pm

Sr. Tech Vega requests permission to accompany Bravo Company on their mission to raid the mech factory. My technical skills and knowhow will be invaluable should the resistance forces be unable to complete their mission. I am sure I can fit in along side the Donegal Mechwarriors.
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Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyTue Jul 01, 2008 5:11 pm

Make a Bargaining Skill Check. Target number is 8. You will have to ride in a Mechs leg as the cockpits will be over-full. Better hope nobody skids and falls!
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Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 9:31 am

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Posts : 290
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Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 9:31 am

The member 'CC' has done the following action : Dice roll

#1 'd6' :
Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Roll2
#1 Result :
Operation Panty Raid (Failed) 1


#2 'd6' :
Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Roll2
#2 Result :
Operation Panty Raid (Failed) 1
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 11:48 am

Boxcars! Bleh. Whats the roll to sneak on? LOL.
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Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-06-08

Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 12:25 pm

Do we know what type of Mech(s) we are attempting to capture?
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Posts : 290
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Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 3:53 pm

Catastrophic failure for ol' Vincent there, when asking permission of the Senior Battalion Tech, you are told:

"What?? Hell no you ain't going in with the Mech-weenies. I need your guido ass right here incase the Colonel's 'Mech needs it's paint touched up! And don't go trying to sneak off either, I got my eye on you!"

As to Kurt's question, the factories on Alshain produce the Panther PNT-9R, the Dragon DRG-1C, the Grand Dragon DRG-1G and the Charger CGR-1A1 Battlemechs. It is unknown which or how many 'Mechs are stored in the facility you are to raid.

And chuckles, that roll is called Snake Eyes....douchebag...
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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

Operation Panty Raid (Failed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Operation Panty Raid (Failed)   Operation Panty Raid (Failed) EmptyThu Jul 03, 2008 10:09 pm

GM AAR: Some bad tactical decisions and some tough luck spelled doom for Magruder's Scrappers on the planet of Alshain. Rowin Magruder, the fearless leader of the Lance, was killed outright by a PPC blast and the rest of the unit was lucky to escape with their lives and/or 'Mechs.

The rest of Wilson's Fusiliers fared no better. Alpha Company, the old guard, suffered some devestating losses. The Support Company was nearly wiped out completely. Bravo Company took some key losses but, as always, the true Mercenaries proved to be survivors. This disparity of losses has created some unrest in the previously harmonious unit, furthering the divide between the former Weingarten house troops and the new hires.

It is now common for Mechwarriors on leave to segregate themselves into two camps. Colonel Wilson himself is in none-to-pleased with the Lyran High Command. Convinced his unit was thrown at Alshain with little hope of victory, he has stirred up trouble at the Royal Court. The rabble-rousers on Tharkkad have flocked to his banner, but their support is unreliable and constantly changing.

As a result, Wilson's Fusiliers have been assigned to the Rimward planet of Bensinger. Bensinger is an arid, volcanic world on the border with the Bandit Kingdoms. The units mission is to protect the surrounding systems against Pirate raids, and to attempt punitive strikes on Pirate strongholds in the area.
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