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 While in Port Royal

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Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-06-08

While in Port Royal Empty
PostSubject: While in Port Royal   While in Port Royal EmptyMon Mar 29, 2010 1:36 pm

Once we had sold our goods and divide out our shares, Herrick has a few things he would like to do.

First thing he wants is to find a nice clean in and get a hot bath, a shave and a haircut, and a hot meal. He wants to get some new clothes and do a little shopping. Other than the ships charts, he is looking for a buff coat and a long musket. While he is wondering the town, he is keeping his ears open for any one talking about Hotham, or any signs of his agents or facilities. For now he is not asking any questions, just looking for any obvious signs or information.

That evening, he wants to get a good nights sleep in a clean bed.

On another note, should we keep some of the salt beef as provisions?
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