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 James Hamby (NPC)

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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

James Hamby (NPC) Empty
PostSubject: James Hamby (NPC)   James Hamby (NPC) EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 7:55 pm

James Hamby

Mech: Orion ON1-K
Mech Piloting: 5
Mech Gunnery: 4
Skills: Leadership +3, Bureaucracy +3, Melee +2, Small Arms +3, Perception +3, Streetwise +1, Knowledge +1, Tech +1

James "Jim" Hamby was once the Senior Sergeant Major of the 11th Lyran Guards. He spent over 30 years in the Lyran military and has seen more action than the rest of the unit combined. He was drummed out of the service after being made the scapegoat for failure of his unit that was completely the fault of a newly pinned Captain. The Captain, however, had a General for a father and strings were pulled. Hamby had spent his entire career watching his brave lads lose ground to their enemies due to the inept command of political officers and his shamefull discharge was the last straw. Hamby will show no remorse in hunting down any Lyran officers he comes across on the battlefield. When asked what if that one happens to be a 'good' officer, Hamby replies "What in the hell are the odds of that?!?!"

He is often overheard extolling the virtues of a new field radio that he has invented. The only problem with the radio is that it weights 98 pounds. When asked about this obvious shortcoming he will likely reply, "Yeah, but it can hop over 3600 frequencies!".
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