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 Scrapper Security and Freight Inc.

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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Scrapper Security and Freight Inc. Empty
PostSubject: Scrapper Security and Freight Inc.   Scrapper Security and Freight Inc. EmptyTue Dec 09, 2008 2:03 am

The Scrappers had little downtime since as soon as the Colonel set foot back on Solaris he accepted a contract with Earthwerks Incorporated. The units morale and Scooby’s mood was especially low considering the ***Tagedy at Jasmine*** which was immediately followed by their miserable performance on behalf of ***Pfizer at Trellisane***. The task before them was straightforward they were to provide security for the mech facilities on Keystone.
The first few weeks brought action to the Scrappers in the form of corporate espionage. A turncoat employee attempted to steal one of the firm’s top-secret assault mech designs. The traitors plan was to rendezvous a dropship at the spaceport and exit the system. The Command Lance had little trouble catching up to the slow moving assault mech. Initially Scooby had his lance mates play it safe by keeping their distance. As the enemy neared his getaway vehicle Scooby became frustrated and charged into point blank range while firing everything his Phoenix Hawk could muster. The reckless maneuver paid off because his barrage managed to cripple the enemy’s mech. Scooby allowed the employee to escape in exchange for not having to do further damage Earthwerk’s prized assault mech.
The corporate overlords were happy their top-secret mech back but apparently they would have preferred to have the traitor too. Scooby countered by explaining that that was not part of the mission criteria when they were dispatched to recover the mech. When the damage report stating the mech suffered minimal damage arrived, the suits admitted that Scooby’s actions were acceptable.
Little over a month later security system malfunction called the Scrappers back into action. The famed Security-bots went haywire and the Scooby’s boys were called in to clean up their mess. In a vain attempt to please the suits he ordered that his lance mates attempt to damage as little as possible. They made an approach to the security terminal without destroying to many of the malfunctioning droids. Unfortunately, the droids followed them to the terminal and Ghent was unable to leave his mech to work his computer magic until after most of the droids had been put down.
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Join date : 2008-06-06

Scrapper Security and Freight Inc. Empty
PostSubject: Part 2   Scrapper Security and Freight Inc. EmptyMon Dec 15, 2008 2:39 pm

An independent merchant approached the Scrappers to handle security for their cargo run through the badlands. The Colonel accepted the mission and tasked his own lance along with supporting units from Scout Lance. The mechs stayed by the side of the cargo haulers while Recon went ahead to look for possible threats. "Uh, Command this is Recon. Everything looks clear from here. The terrain is shit though, crags and crevasses everywhere. Wait, I'm getting something on my scanners... Oh shit, multiple bogeys to my rear. Command, they're all around you!" Were the last words heard before the shit hit the fan.
Suddenly the Scrappers threat alarms came alive. Target identifiers springing up all around them as the enemy infantry sprung out of the dirt surrounding the only road through the wastes. “All cargo carriers haul ass northwards immediately. Adams get your ass on that hill top and tell relay any other contacts you spot to the rest of us! Move, move, move! Now Damnit!” screamed Scooby through the command net.
Just as Scooby finished his instructions, Adams Stinger leaped into the air and landed atop the highest of the nearby peaks. His new view of the field adding even more contacts to the Scrappers threat boards. Two support tanks sprayed autocannon fire at the Scrappers from afar. Stringfellow flying like an acrobat brought his machineguns to bear on the pair. The lead cargo truck accelerated around the first bend, when it came to the second turn it spun out of control into one of the side valleys. The skidding vehicle came to rest directly in front of an unseen enemy tank. “Holy shit! Cargo One to Command, we got another bogey right on top of us back here! Help!” Hearing this both Ghent and Scooby advanced around the bend and took aim against the tank that threatened the lead carrier. The rest of the trucks followed behind the advancing leaders. No-Name, Timassi, and Nakamura advanced on the northern hill discovering another pair of the enemies APCs. Luckily their fast moves kept the raiders infantry from being able to fire upon them while they were most vulnerable, all of the teams units escaped the killing fields before they could fire.
The combined fire of Scooby’s Phoenix Hawk and Ghent’s Griffin plowed into the front of the tank melting away tons of armor and structure, the gaping holes exposed the crewmembers inside. They returned fire on the Griffin saturating his mech with missile and laser fire but unable to penetrate the mechs thick skin. Ghent finished the tank with a kick, tearing through the weakened front and pulverizing the crew. Nakamura, No-Name, and Timassi sprayed the APCs and infantry with fire. Timassi advanced around the bend and discovered a minefield the hard way. This gave the truckers a chance reroute the convoy to avoid the mines. Ghent launched his Griffin into the air again to land on the next northern peak. He and Timassi combining fire on yet another new tank, reducing it to scrap. No-Name blundered over the hill he was on to stare down the barrel of a Heltzer tank’s heavy autocannon. Scooby leaped to the side of the Heltzer and incinerated it with his laser before it was able to get a second shot off at No-Name. While all this was occurring, Adams and Nakamura managed to take out another APC and Stringfellow slipped and smashed his chopper into the side of a hill.
Seeing that they had only managed to kill the helicopter and most of their armor was in ruins the remaining raiders ran for the cover of the hills along the waste. The Scrappers moved on to deliver the goods as promised.
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Scrapper Security and Freight Inc. Empty
PostSubject: Part 3   Scrapper Security and Freight Inc. EmptyWed Jan 28, 2009 3:20 pm

The Lyran Commonwealth, known for courageous deep raids into enemy territory and the Scrappers were not surprised to see them honor that history in a raid against Keystone. Dropships lit the sky as the foreign invaders made their way to the planet’s surface. Colonel “Scooby” Winfield summoned his unit together and hurried to finish his plans for the defense of Earthwerks holdings.
The enemy approached from the north, mines and infantry placed strategically throughout the enemy’s path. True to Scooby’s developing reputation, he arrayed his forces in unorthodox fashion. The newly commissioned warriors of Bravo Company divided among the flanks. The Command Lance covered the western flank while the Training Lance, comprised of anyone who could fill a mech took up the eastern flank. Alpha Company was similarly divided across the battlefield but to a greater extent. Alpha Scout Lance was the only unit to show any sort of cohesion, supporting Bravo Command on the western flank. Alpha Command and Alpha Fire were split between the center and eastern flank. Zeta Company reinforced all three sections of the battlefield as well as having some of its infantry platoons deployed for deep strikes away from the main body of the defensive forces.
As the first elements of the enemy made their way onto the field, many of the Scrappers founders stared in shock. The scouts that probed their defenses were none other than Wilsons Fusiliers, the unit they all left on Morgan’s Choice. The shock was not long lasting for moments after their arrival the Oscout and Stinger of the Fusiliers scouting elements had suffered savage damage and inflicted none in return. The Phoenix Hawk and Locust hung back from the waiting Scrappers. Then the main body of Willson’s troop made its way into view. Two Riflemen, a Thunderbolt, and an Awesome approached the western flank. The eastern flank had a Battlemaster, a Marauder, a Warhammer, and Hachetman bearing down on it. Straight down the center came Wilson himself in an Atlas and accompanied by a pair of Zeus and a Banshee. Together they greatly out massed the Scrappers in mech weight. That plus the fact that Willson harbored a personal grudge against Scooby and his Scrappers was sure to make this the bloodiest battle the Scappers have faced.
The river slowed the advance for the center and eastern invaders so the western flank was the first area to heat up. The Awesome lead the advance of the Fusiliers and just as it passed the hiding infantry the attacked. They sprayed one of the Riflemen with SRM and inferno fire from behind. By the time the lance cleared the infantry’s position one of the Riflemen had crumpled in a flaming wreck the second was riddled with damage and the Awesome had been staggered by immense damage from combined fire from Bravo Command and elements of Alpha Command and Alpha Fire.
In the center the assault mech of Wilson’s Command Lance engaged elements of Alpha Command and Alpha Fire from afar. They exchange was brutal but no mechs fell on ether side. The Scrappers appeared to begin a disorganized retreat when Wilson began to ford the river. As they came on shore they hit the few effective mines that had been laid suffering minimal damage. They advanced on the hill that the Scrappers units had been using for cover and discovered that Zeta Company’s infantry and tanks were waiting for them. The infantry finished off the cockpit of one of the Zeus mechs with a lucky SRM barrage.
On the eastern flank the other halves of Alpha Command and Alpha Fire pumped fire into the approaching Fusiliers as they attempted to ford the river. The swarm missiles from Mac’s Star League Crusader wreaked havoc on the closely spaced mechs. Just as the Warhammer made its way onto dry land the swarm missile chewed into the mechs leg and snapped it off. As the Marauder advanced passed it to stand atop of the infantry platoons they managed to hit its autocannon magazine and the mech exploded in a ball of fire.
Wilson continued his advance even though most of his mechs were brutally battered and nearly beaten. Smoke from the burning forests blanketed the entrance to the mech facility. As his Lance advanced they fired an unexpectedly large volume of fire at Uellson "No Name" Divirk’s Shadow Hawk which eventually staggered and fell when its leg snapped off at the knee. Wilson advanced on the fallen mech and after finishing it off proceeded in blasting its pilot. This would be his final cruel act for immediately after the remaining Scrappers poured everything they had into the enemy commanders Atlas which was completely consumed in the firestorm.
Soon after the fall of Wilson the remaining elements of the Fusiliers arranged for terms of surrender or managed to limp away from battle on their own accord. The captured related the tales of the Fusiliers since the Scrappers departure. It was a scary tale of obsession and insanity that tormented those who stayed behind when Scooby and his companions abandoned them on Morgan Choice. The Scrapper’s rejoiced in their victory except for Colonel “Scooby” Winnfield. The Colonel was somber and brooding…
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