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 Rina Nakamura (Chuck)

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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Rina Nakamura (Chuck)   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 1:21 am

Rina Nakamura (Scooby's Woman)

Unit: Scooby's Scrappers - Scout Lance
Rank: MW
Current Mech: WSP-1W Wasp
Piloting: 3
Gunnery: 4
Advantages: Gifted Tech, Mech Pilot -2, Tactical Genius, Melee Specialist, Gunnery/Laser
Out-of-Mech Skills:
Experience Points: 1/3
Wealth: 0
Solaris Reputation: ?
House Origin: Draconis Combine
Camo: FWL_Guards.jpg

Last edited by CC on Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:12 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Mech roll   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 1:22 am

Which one does she get...
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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Mech roll   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2008 1:22 am

The member 'CC' has done the following action : Dice roll

'd6' :
Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Roll2
Result :
Rina Nakamura (Chuck) 5 Rina Nakamura (Chuck) 4
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: ?   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptySun Dec 07, 2008 11:05 pm

This post is broke... Links dont seem to work in it... moved eveything to anohter reply. All links in the story line should work now...

Last edited by CC on Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:32 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Posts : 290
Join date : 2008-06-04

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rina Nakamura (Chuck)   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptyMon Dec 08, 2008 2:32 am

Nice write-up but the link is dead.
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Bio   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptyMon Dec 08, 2008 8:01 pm

*** Part 3 ***

Rina spent the majority of her early years training to pilot a battlemech. Her family laughed at the idea of her making it into the DCMS. Like most of the people of the Combine the idea of women in the honor able service of the military was nothing more than foolishness. Her prowess as a pilot enabled her to enter the academy but the constant ridicule and excessive “special treatment” that the instructors and senior cadets bombarded her with proved to be too much for her spirit to bear.
She left the academy and returned to her home world, Vega. There she took up the “family business” which consisted of running an “import/export business” for her father. It did not take long for her to realize that the “business” was really a front for the sales of stolen goods. Given how the government and military had already shit on her dreams she had no qualms sticking it to the man by dealing in illicit goods. Life as a businesswoman was not enough for her. She needed something to excite her and she found herself once again dreaming of piloting a mech. She amassed a sizable fortune of her own and “purchased” a Wasp from someone who could not quite keep his books in the black.
Like many worlds, Vega has a stadium for battlemech tournaments. While they pale in comparison to those on Solaris it still provided entertainment for the locals and if one was lucky enough they might even make it to a Solaris invitational. She quickly made a name for herself as the Purple Rose of Vega, winning more than she lost and being admired for the grace he mech displayed on the field. Many compared her mechs movements to those of a ballerina. Locale tournaments proved to be fun but the costs of repairs quickly became more than she could count on winning back. It was during this time that she met Jules and Vincent. The duo provided her with a cost effective source for repairs and parts between matches. Vince was clearly the better tech but Jules was able to “procure” parts better than even her business contacts could. As part of their arrangement, she instructed both Jules and Vincent in the fine arts of piloting a battlemech. The three became very close but Jules and Rina shared more than just friendship.
Just before the ladder tournament that promised a Solaris invitational for the winner Jules and Vincent vanished. As she progressed up the ladder she found out Jules was wanted for the murder of a DCMS officer. Without her tech crew she was unable to keep her Wasp in fighting condition for the duration of the tournament. She ended up dropping out in the semi-finals. In addition her ties to Jules seemed to hurt her family’s position in the “business world” soon her income from the import/export business began to run dry. She eventually found new techs but lost her enjoyment for the tournaments. She needed a real battle experience and she needed money. This led her to hiring her skills out to other local “businesses” as muscle and security.
Her most recent contract is her first off-world experience. She liquidated her remaining assets on Vega and headed for Jasmine where she would provide security for a “diplomatic envoy” to likeminded “business men” in the Confederacy.

***Part 5***
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Join date : 2008-06-06

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: They Meet   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptyMon Dec 08, 2008 8:37 pm

*** Part 5 ***

Rina was shocked by the speed at which her mission was going to hell. The enemy had already managed to put two of her lance mates out of the fight and from the looks of it, they only managed to scratch him. The enemy seemed to have some new machinegun like lasers which proved not only more accurate but more lethal than what her mech usually carried. All things considered she knew that she had to get physical with this monster and fast or else she was sure as hell not going to make it to the next pay day.
After the last blast from its lasers the Phoenix Hawk seemed to pause. She wasted no time leaping her mech around and behind him. As soon as her mech hit the ground she leveled her cross hairs at its back and pulled the triggers. Her six light lasers stabbed out at the Hawks vulnerable back but failed to penetrate. She quickly threw her mechs leg back and then forward in a kick that unfortunately landed on the undamaged leg of the enemy.
Suddenly a familiar voice flooded her com link. “Rina Nakamira! It’s Jules! Jules Winfield! What the fuck are you doing working for the fuckers that killed Vincent!”
“Wha… Jules… Where… How… Who killed Vincent? What are you talking about?” She stuttered in response.
“The men in that villa atop Mount Huangshan assaulted our base and killed Vincent. They were aiming for us both but I was out in the field when they attacked!” Scooby shouted.
“Oh god, Vincent… Jules, I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” Tear came to her eyes as she thought of her lost friends, one of which was not gone forever. “I’m just here as hired muscle for some business meet. I didn’t know you guys were even alive… Jules look out!” As she said this missiles came slamming down into the Phoenix Hawk announcing the Dragon’s entrance to the fight.

***Part 7***
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Posts : 196
Join date : 2008-06-06

Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rina Nakamura (Chuck)   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) EmptySun Feb 01, 2009 3:20 pm

Scooby strolls into his quarters on the Home of the Brave covered in sweat, and LRM warhead residue. An angry Rina lies in wait on his bunk. "Where the hell have you been? I have been looking all over for you since the briefing. What the hell is that smell?"
afro "I've been getting ready for the drop, I have some surprises in the works for this Paula bitch."
"I don't want to hear anymore about this mission, I have my own plans for you.” Rina said as she lead Scooby into his shower.
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Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rina Nakamura (Chuck)   Rina Nakamura (Chuck) Empty

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